Are you looking for a particular service in Anzère? We have listed them below. If you are a secondary home owner in Anzère, be sure to visit the owner's area on this website.
Dental practice
Barras et Associés, a new dental practice in Ayent, will open its doors at the beginning of June.

Eco Point
There are several waste sorting areas in Anzère. On this page, you'll find all the information you need about the location of...

Useful contacts
This page references various contacts that it is interesting to have saved in your phone during a stay in the Anzère region.

Homeowners' area
Together, let's boost our beautiful destination

Post Office

The Raiffeisen in Botyre offers you all banking services.

The is no pharmacy in Anzère, but you can order your medication from the pharmacy Benu at + 41 (0)27 398 42 05

Tourist office
