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Contrary to what you might think, the winter sun's reflection off of snow, water or roads can intensify UV-rays. DUe to children being more sensitive to UV-rays, we advise you to read our advices below:

First of all we take a look at the protection of the eyes of your little ones: Their eyes are particularly fragile. Before the age of 10, their eyes are not fully developped and damage caused by the sun can be permanent. Remember to protect them with category 3 or 4 glasses. To optimise protection, attach the glasses around their heads with a special cord, to prevent him from losing them. 

Furthermore, regarding your child's skin: Avoid exposing them to the sun. If they will be exposed to the sun, you should protect your children with high UV factor cream and lip balm. Apply the cream at least every two hours.

An additional consideration to keep in mind is the cold. 

Thea danger for the smallest is their sensitivty to the cold. They move less and can not regulate their bodytemperature as well as older children and/or adults. Always protect them with warm and adapted clothing, and think of protecting their extremities: head, hands and feet. Change into dry clothes as soon as you arrive at home! Bring enough clothes, usually one night is too little of time to dry the weht ones.

Do not use baby carriers when it's very cold! Baby's legs are too compressed, wich can lead to blood circulation probems in their legs. Thais will promote faster heat dissipation. Use a stroller with a blanket instead. You can additionally use a cover to protect them from the wind. We strongly advise against skiing with a baby on your back or on your stomach

Prefer Outdoor activities between 11h and 15h, which are the warmest hours of the day. Avoid Outdoor activities with your baby under freezing rain/fog conditions.

Older children will experience increased perspiration during outdoor activities, as they move around a lot. Make sure they are equipped with adapted layers. The sweating and cooling down can cause your child to come down with a cold.

The cold, dry mountain wind also damages your little ones' skin. Please remember to protect their lips and their faces with adapted nourishing products, to combat chapping and redness. Another specificity of the dry wind and altitude is dehydration: remeber to augment fluid intake! Stay hydrated!

Altitude: Your little ones will have no problem adapting to the altitude if your resort is at an altitude of less than 1800 metres. This is the case for Anzère.
Children under 24 months, should avoid taking the gondola, cable car or chairlift: these lifts make sudden altitude changes. This and the speed of the climb can cause damage to your child's ears. In case of doubt, consult your paediatrician.